This Greenland, I heard it’s a cold place, all ice and snow. You wanna go there? You gotta get a paper, they call it a visa. Buy Greenland visa, that’s what they say. It ain’t free, gotta spend some money, you know.
My neighbor’s kid, he went to some far off land once. He said getting a visa is a big pain. Lots of forms and papers and waiting. You gotta have a passport, that’s another thing. Make sure it’s good, not expired or somethin’. They check all that stuff, you know. They are very strict, gotta follow all their rules.
They say you gotta go to some fancy office, like a big embassy, that’s what they call it. Danish something or other, ’cause Greenland is like part of Denmark, I guess. Some countries, they let you in no problem. But Greenland? No, you need that Greenland visa.
- You need a passport, gotta be good for a while.
- Gotta fill out forms, lots of ’em. They ask all kinds of questions.
- gotta have money.
- Then you gotta wait, could be a long time, who knows?
They say there’s different kinds of these visas. Some for work, some for just lookin’ around, being a tourist. Greenland tourist visa, they call that one. If you’re just goin’ to see the sights, that’s the one you need.
I heard some folks, they don’t need a visa. Lucky them! But most folks, they gotta get one. They say 90 days, that’s how long you can stay without no visa. That’s a long time, I reckon. Most people don’t stay that long anyway.
Now, if you’re serious about this Greenland visa thing, you gotta do it right. Don’t be lazy. You gotta fill out those forms just right, no mistakes. They don’t like mistakes. They send it right back to you, and you gotta start all over. It is really a mess sometimes. I don’t even know why people go there, so cold and far away.
You go to that Danish place, they’ll tell you what to do. They got people there, they’re supposed to help you, I guess. They can tell you what forms you need, how much it costs, all that stuff. Better listen to them good, or you’ll be in trouble.
And make sure you got all your papers in order. They want everything just so. Birth certificate, maybe. Proof you got money, that’s important. They don’t want no broke folks comin’ over there, causin’ trouble. They’re real picky about that stuff.
I heard it is really not easy to buy Greenland visa. They say there are some countries that need it and some don’t. Don’t ask me which ones do, I don’t remember. But you better check before you go making any plans. It would be a shame to get all excited and then find out you can’t even go. They can tell you that when you go to that big office building.
- Some folks from some countries, they can go to Greenland no problem.
- Most folks, though, they gotta get a visa.
- It ain’t easy, I tell ya. Lots of rules and papers.
- Better check if you need one before you go.
My grandson, he’s always on that computer thing. He could probably find out all about this Greenland visa stuff online. Maybe there’s a website or somethin’. He could probably do it all online, these days you can do anything on that computer. You don’t even need to get out your house.
But me, I like to do things the old way. Talk to people face to face. Go to that office, get the papers, fill ’em out right there. That way you know it’s done right. No messin’ around with that computer stuff.
This Greenland visa, it’s a lot of work. But if you really wanna go to Greenland, I guess you gotta do it. Just be prepared for a lot of waitin’ and a lot of paperwork. And make sure you got enough money, ’cause it ain’t gonna be cheap. It is never cheap to do these kinds of things.
But if you are gonna go, make sure you see those big icebergs. I saw them on the TV once, they look real pretty. Just be careful out there, it’s cold. Don’t fall in the water! And don’t forget your Greenland tourist visa!